The ACI Payments, Inc. marketing team works with clients, the credit card companies, card issuers, and other marketing partners to increase exposure to electronic payment options and add value by arranging promotions, rewards bonuses, and other special offers. The millions of impressions made through these campaigns will drive customers towards paying you electronically. Samples of the techniques and channels we use to accomplish these goals are given below.
ACI Payments, Inc. works with its clients to arrange mention of electronic payment options on their customer communications. We also layout and print a variety of materials for our clients to use in their offices to further spread awareness. Media that we utilize in marketing includes:
- • Tax bills, bulletins, and worksheets
- • Utility Bills
- • Tuition Bills
- • Citations
- • Posters
- • Flyers
- • Banners
- • Counter cards
- • Wallet-size info cards
- • Mailing inserts
- • Static cling logos
- • Press releases
- • Local advertisements
- • Newsletters
- • Websites
- • Ad Hoc marketing
ACI Payments, Inc. maintains strong relationships with the credit card companies and prominent card issuing banks such as CitiBank®, Chase®, Bank of America® and others in order to deliver marketing campaigns, bonus rewards, and special offers for our clients and their customers. These efforts encourage cardholders to enjoy the convenience, flexibility, and rewards of electronic payments and help increase the utilization of our clients' programs. Strategies include:
- • Statement inserts
- • Co-Branded payment centers
- • Cardholder mailings
- • Targeted regional marketing
- • Website promotions
- • Print Advertising
- • Double points, mileage, or other rewards
Each year, with the support of our marketing partners, ACI Payments, Inc. launches an advertising campaign to raise awareness of electronic payments around key payment due dates such as the April 15th Federal and State income tax due date, extension and estimated tax due dates, common local property tax due dates, and other periods of high volume. Strategies include:
- • Newspaper ads
- • Magazine ads
- • Radio spots
- • Television commercials
- • Online banners
- • Search engine advertising
- • Commuter train posters
- • Elevator ads in major metros