Our payment solutions have positive effects on many aspects of your collections process. Fast, easy, and secure do not only apply to our customers' experiences; they are the cornerstones of the services we provide. The following are just a few of the benefits of working with us.
ACI Payments, Inc. expedites the flow of funds from your customers, streamlines reconciliation, and frees up your staff. An electronic payment can be collected, deposited, and reconciled in significantly less time than a paper check or cash payment. A large county tax office in Texas recently reported that after implementing our services, more than 4 hours of staff time was saved during each day of their collection season. Offering payments over the internet and telephone also keeps customers out of your offices and your staff free to support tasks other than cashiering.
Electronic transactions save money over processing paper checks and cash because of the manual processing and physical documentation that can be eliminated. ACI Payments, Inc. offers several technology packages and pricing models that are cost effective for you and your customers. We pioneered the "convenience fee" model of transaction processing with our government clients, who due to budgeting constraints or in some cases, statutory law, could not absorb the costs traditionally associated with electronic transactions. We do not charge for support service such as reporting, telecommunications, customer service, merchant IDs, bank setup, or marketing.
Every year, the utilization of electronic payments goes up. The convenience of transacting by credit card, debit card, or electronic check is now something to expect.
ACI Payments, Inc. works with card issuing partners such as American Express®, Discover® Network, United Airlines®, CitiBank®, Chase® and many others on an ongoing basis to bring customers the best promotions, mileage bonuses, fee discounts, and other special offers available. Many of these offers are available exclusively through ACI Payments, Inc., and turn payment obligations into exciting opportunities to build toward valuable rewards such as free flights, electronics, gifts, and more.